Christmas cards | st. louis family photography

‘Tis the season! I’ve added a few new designs to the Christmas Card Shop. Custom cards are flat 5×7 cards sold in sets of 25, printed on premium matte paper at my professional lab and include white envelopes. Front and back designs are below! All orders must be placed by November 20, 2012.

baby finney | st. louis children’s photography

I haven’t done a personal post in awhile, so here’s a quick one of my happy little chunker. We got lucky with some warm weather the other day and I took way. Too. Many. Picture of my kiddos at the park. Here’s my favorite from the afternoon: He’s kind of the happiest baby ever. It...

the {k} family | st. louis family photography

If you follow my blog or facebook page you may recognize a few of these cuties. I’m fortunate enough to photography my cousins and their families several times a year. This time around we tried to get the whole gang together…it was hectic but great fun!



