details | st. louis photography

Soooo, I know I said I was going to announce the Senior Rep winners this week. Ummmm, yeah….NEXT WEEK. Swear. I really only wanted to start out with two, so it’s been kind of hard narrowing down the entries, and for that I apologize. But I think I’ve got it! Check back this week for all the info.

ALSO…I will be adding a new addition to the blog called “Feature Fridays” where I photograph local, boutique-type businesses. Places I know and love and places I hope to know and love. My first shoot is all set up so check back for the feature next Friday. Know someone with a small business that wants to be featured? Send them my way! Inquiries at or use my fancy pants contact form.

Annnnnnd, Spring Mini Sessions! They are happening. I don’t do them very often, so if you are thinking about trying custom photography or just want a quick session for the kiddos check back next week for all the details.

Oh, and the 10 on 10. That’s coming, too:) We like to shoot on the 10th and post on the 15th. That’s just how we roll.

And of course, a quick shot of the chub. He’s getting big. Boo.



